Monday, September 11, 2006

I have fallen deeply in love with this dress, though I am not sure if I should call it a novelty print, or a trompe l'oeil. I would feel like Carol Burnett in it, you know, from her spoof of "Gone With the Wind" where the dress made out of a curtain still has the curtain rod jutting out across her shoulders. I would feel obliged to quote her saying: "Oh, just something I saw hanging in the window and couldn't resist." It would keep me smiling all day.

And the real live tassels hanging down from the shoulders--delightful.

Oh, my foolish heart. The whole point of starting this blog was to curb my compulsive shopping problem. In theory, I could admire fabulous novelty prints from afar and recommend them to others. It would be almost Buddhist non-attachment. I could smile at the abundance of beauty in the world without having to own it. I could sit in my minimalist apartment and mediate on the clear light of the dawn. Okay, now the fantasy has gone to far. I have an apartment crammed full of vintage clothing, plastic fruit, ceramic matadors, and yes, even faux wood Buddha statuettes, not to mention several novelty print items with Buddhas all over them. I can barely turn around.

Must resist bidding on tassel dress.

Take this dress someone, please. Give it love, take it out dancing!


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