Thursday, September 07, 2006

Irresistible novelty street scene blouse. Women walking poodles, nurses pushing prams, newspaper boys all under pink umbrellas made of weather-related newsclippings. It has a magazine illustration feeling about it.

1950's cotton, (B40, W38) and is currently an ebay offering by Dame Deco, who has a number of other cute novelty prints.

Wouldn't this just be the perfect thing to wear to the NYC Clown Theater Festival?

With a smart pair of black cigarette pants and some ballet flats, you'd be ready to chat up some dashing French clowns from The Chiche Capon Cabaret ( I saw their show last night and laughed so hard I felt like a different person afterward. Like I was on the verge of attaining enlightenment. Really.

Now, if you think clowns are just something for kiddie birthday parties, you need to treat yourself and see some real clown right away. This is incredibly brave physical comedy. For crying out loud, there was crowd surfing and nudity (though not at the same time, zut alors!). Les Cliche Capon have two more shows this weekend, but the Clown festival continues until the third week in September.

Also check out some very funny women tonight with the Ladies Night caberet. When the New York Times recently covered the festival, staff writers neglected to mention any female clowns. In response to a letter-writing campaign, they changed their tune. You can show your support by attending any of the 4 other shows fronted by hysterical women, such as "Knot..My Best Moments" by Erin Bouvey.


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