Somehow, I got obsessed with sailor dresses. Again. In the early 90s, I did this whole Edwardian doll look with sailor dresses and lace-up boots. I can't believe I'm recycling myself. And it's not the first time. About 5 years ago I was chatting with Esmeralda saying I was suddenly keen for anything Spanish (flamenco skirts, polka dots, combs and mantillas) and she simply said: Again? Anyhoo, I was all over ebay looking for sailor dresses. I kept finding what I thought was the perfect one, size 6, but it always turned out to be for a person 6 months old, or 6 years old. And I thought: do I dress like a child? I'm almost 40, for crying out loud. Maybe it's time to get some appropriate clothing. But what is appropriate clothing anyway? I looked into the future and saw nothing but yawning void with the winds of change setting my coiff into total disarray. And I thought: I cannot go gently into that good night.
So I put on a tree trunk novelty print maxi dress and played croquet with my friends at the foot of the Alice in Wonderland statue in Central Park. Then I was right as rain again.
But in my state of bummedoutittude, I even forgot my bloggerversary. Plastic Paradise has been 2 years old since September 1st. Who knew there were so many jaw-dropping novelty prints in the world? And who knew I'd still be at it 2 years later?
And who knew I'd have 5 lovely readers? A big thank you to all of you who have keen kind enough to read and comment and share the love of the novelty print. Ms. Fuzzy Lizzy, Ms. Tea, Ms. Kitty and Ms. Prati, you are so (so very very!) awesome. And a big thank you to the amazing Spartacus, for all his encouragement. Spartacus was my only reader for the longest time, and a one-man cheerleading squad complete with backflips and pyramids.
And so: a cheery post,yes?
If I had been quicker on the draw (and had deeper pockets) I would have picked up that golden egg of a chicken in every pot dress above and paired it with this Warholesque tote.
This bag would push the outfit into pop art delirium, no? The soup bag was fairly large too, like big enough for a beach towel, just to give you a sense of scale. And I think the oversized can keeps the outfit pop, as opposed to surrealist. But alas, both have sold. And at prices a little too rich for my blood.
There was some truly thrilling flea marketing in Los Angeles. I tell you, I have not had such a good flea market day since the last century. I got a vintage Jansen bathing suit, a batik sailor dress, a nautical-themed polyester shirt (lighthouse, compass,sailboats and seagulls), and the coup de grace: A high-necked polyester dress with beautifully rendered 70s art nouveau influenced grapes. Esmeralda and I made a great mother-daughter haggling team. Esmeralda effectively cut the price of the grape dress in half by loudly lamenting: Oh, that stain will never come out! She was very convincing too. Esmeralda is a natural actress. My sister, Kismet, has often threatened to get her an agent. I think Esmeralda could be a star, or at least get a national television commercial.
I also got a couple of Reggie's old shirts. Reggie is a pinky ring, monograms and French cuff kinda guy, so I just invested in a pair of chess-themed cuff links. The most hilarious thing about Reggie's early 80s custom made shirts is that they fit me perfectly. I'm thinking I should find out if he still has any of his 70s tuxedos.
Samsara, What a relief to see you are finally home and posting again! I'm missed your great insights on the world of novelty prints. Happy b'day and bloggerversary! Lizzie
You should have more than five readers! Now I feel like a member of an elite club. Dang. What shine.
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