Friday, January 26, 2007

5 Things about Samsara
The fabulous Erin, Ms. Dress A Day, has posted 5 things heretofor unblogged about herself and has invited readers to do the same. I am tardy in my response, of course, and shy. Ms. Dress A Day generously writes that she will read all those who take up the challenge. Even late comers? My little typings hardly compare with Dress A Day's style, but she is a big inspiration to me.
1) I always have at least 2 bobby pins in my hair at all time, even when asleep. When I'm out and about I have enough metal on my head to serve as a lightening rod. If I am awake, I am wearing a slip, sometimes even when my skirt or dress is already lined. Not only because I like to keep my skirt totally opaque, but to counteract static cling. I generate enough static electricity to power a city. If someone could just harness it, the energy crisis would be over.

2) I firmly believe in the innate goodness of the following: tofu, brown rice, yogurt, red wine, olive oil, green tea, ginger and garlic. The same goes for fruit and veggies of all kinds. The spinach E.coli episode caused me serious epistemological vertigo.

3) My apartment, best described as Dickensian, is currently shared with a pit bull and a comedian. Pit bulls and comedians are unduly maligned. Mine are both are sweet as pie.
4) I dream of dancing around the world, literally. I’ve written about my desire to waltz around Vienna during ball season, but I’ve also studied (and by that I mean spent money that should have gone to rent, destroyed my knees and given years of my life to) Bharata Natyam, Odissi, Argentine Tango, the Hula (yes. Lovely Hula Hands), Belly Dance, Flamenco, and Butoh. With the time and the money, I’d travel to different countries, take local dance classes, interview dancers and choreographers and attend performances. I think National Geographic should give me a few shekels to make it happen, don’t you?

5) No matter how much I work on a professional level, I always feel like a fraud if I refer to myself as a dancer. This is not unique. Talking to dancers, I discovered that even strongest, lithest and most technically accomplished underrates her abilities. (A total prima donna even will admit to some struggle. Now I don’t know about western ballet dancers who seem like another animal entirely. I think of them like aerialists or contortionists: persons who have relentlessly trained the body to do things it probably shouldn’t.) There is something so unforgiving in the ephemeral physicality of dance, that you have to be a masochist to do it. Not to mention that you must also enjoy making no money. And regularly have people dismiss dance as just a bit of titillation or athleticism. (Don’t get me started on how much athletes—mostly men—are paid and how little dancers—mostly women—are paid.)
And now I invite all of you to tell me 5 never before blogged about items about yourself. I especially hope that Spartacus, Modesty Blaise and Ninotchka respond.


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